What is Yoga?

Yoga is an art of healing through theory and practice that originated in India and has been practiced for more than 5,000 years. It is a union of physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation.


  • Reduce stress
  • Build confidence
  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Improve coordination
  • Cleanse your system
  • Create mind body awareness
  • Rejuvenate overall health

Yoga is a journey that unites body, mind and spirit.  Through the physical postures (asana), mindful breath work (pranayama) and meditation, yoga creates an experience unique to each individual.  The asana sequences are designed to strengthen and tone the body, giving challenge when necessary and gentleness when required.  Asana practice will increase energy and engage both the body and mind.  You will release tension throughout the body and restore self confidence.  Pranayama uses breathing techniques to calm and soothe, allowing the mind to let go and surrender to the experience and have the student become present and self centered.  Meditation provides a quieting of all senses for purposeful self reflection.  It begins your journey into you that allows for the discovery of inner peace tranquility and serenity.

Is Yoga for you?

Yes, yoga is for everyone.  Yoga invites practioners of all ages, abilities, size and gender.  Anyone wishing to reduce stress, improve overall health and promote inner growth will experience the benefits of yoga.

What is Kripalu yoga?

Kripalu Hatha yoga is a practice with emphasis on personal inquiry.  Sue teaches Kripalu yoga with a focus on a personal discovery of inner peace and serenity. A Kripalu yoga class begins with a welcome centering and gentle warm up stretching.  The class will introduce breathing exercises to awaken Prana or life force used throughout the class to invoke healing, personal growth and spiritual evolution.  Asana practice will include a sequence of postures bringing the student to a heightened awareness of true self and acceptance.  You will learn to stimulate your intuition and trust in your own wisdom.  The class will close with a total body relaxation and brief meditation. The Kripalu yoga experience will have you feeling energized and balanced with improved concentration and brightness in outlook that can be practiced off the mat, thereby leading the student on a path to peace, happiness and serenity.